So many Obstacle

"Allah takkan menguji Hambanya jika tak sesuai dengan kemampuannya" Yaa, ayat ni rasa dah sebati kan dengan semua orang. So do I. Tahun ni aku Spm, dan tahun ni macam-macam ujian yang aku tempuh. Tapi aku malas nak mengadu dekat orang. Aku pendam dalam hati sebab aku rasa bila aku cerita, nobody knows what im feel. And how hurt do I feel. Yahh, Im sick of it. Enough for me see what had happen surround of me :') What a sad. Haha. Okay , let it be. Act, im not the type of loves to share my story with people but i would love to hear others people's story and probs. Yeahh, seriously. But, what I want to say just, when I heard other's stories, I automatically forget what my probs is. Yeah, I love that. So, I prefer to hear what others stories was. Eh, ni dah lari jauh kan ? Haha, aku tak tau nak cerita macam mana. Aku fikir kalau ada blog macam WeChat kan bagus, kita cakap d...