What Goes Around Comes Around
Bismillah... Surely not everyone knows that today 9th June is the most precious day especially for matriculation students. Today was our result day!! What? You ask me how about my result? Hehe. Alhamdulillah I pass with flying colors as for me but I knew that there's plenty people are more great than me. Whatever not, I'm satisfied with what I've got. Eventhough I knew that several people may be dissapointed with me. So what is my direction afterwards is, entahlah rasa macam nak stop belajar if there's is no any offer for me ((I guess so)) but if my luck is beside me, I'll try my best to be the very best. Yes, aku mengaku masa matrics dulu aku rasa akulah yang paling low diantara semua students s2ap4 tu. Entahlah prac-mate aku semuanya hebat-hebat seriously sampaikan aku rasa macam tak patut aku berada di kalangan diorang ni. Kalau dulu masa sekolah ada ranking kelas and I'm still on the first class b...