I miss him :')

Say Alhamdulillah that we still alive today...
   First of all, this entry is about a meritorious person which ever thought me in English till I fall in love with this subject. 
   Um yeah, I started learned with him since I was in standard five maybe. I forgot about that. I really hate this English Language damn much because I think this is 'acah-acah bajet' language and my English always down. 
   I felt like " why we should learn this language? It troubled me" Erghh . Until then, my mother sent me to this tuition. An old man. And I hate him firstly. Of course, learning English with an old man. No please -_- Moreover, he always sassy mouth. Haha, feel like, okay keep calm and learn english. 
   About 2 year I learn with him and I started to get comfortable with him. And yet, my English got more better and soon I fall in love with it. Truly, he helped me so much in this creepy subject. And of course my reputation getting better till my exam comes.
   Unfortunately, when I want to see him, I had told by my Mom that he's gone. My inspiration just passed away. I cant define my feelings that time. I just " What? He's gone? " And yet, I started to feel that, he was the one who thought me how to be with English. And till now, I made that subject as my very favorite subject and I hope I can be like him. 
   It had been 2 years he gone. I hope that all of you can recite Fatihah to give to him and I really hope that he always on the religious people. AlFatihah :')

p/s : till here, feel and think what I wrote :')


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