Don't Judge


    Sorry I don't write much for the time being. I've so busy lately to arrange my life by myself. Trying to be independent and not hoping for anyone else.

    I don't know what to write about but just want to share a little bit about peoples' expectation. Random thought. Nowadays, we can see that most of people or we can say people around us are judging people based on their looks. Oh come on, in this new era, there's still people who are in short mind, 

    I'm a little bit sad with this kind of people. Before, about #TangkapNajib, one of the punker or rockers I'm not sure (I forgot his name) was caught by the police. He was about to make a demonstrate ( I think he was in Adam's group). 

    Some people said that, he was a punkers, uitm's student and johor if I'm not mistaken. To make you clearly, I want to say that, peoples' thought are like this I guess " HE/SHE CANNOT BE A LEADER IF THEY DON'T HAVE A GOOD APPERANCE/DUMB" 

    Got what I mean? Okay good. So, here I'm just want to turn off this kind of thought and hope that people will be more open minded. There's no use if we judge people like what you think it's bad. And for sure, it will not change you to a better man. So, God had gave us brain to think not to judge. Use it for the good and not to ruin. 

    Sorry, I'm just want to exclaim all people with brilliant mind not to simply judge people around you. Go near them and be with them. It will make you more understanding. I hope so. I think I'm not babling more so I'll stop here. Till we meet again :)

(Pergh, Feeling like I'm going to be PM's advisor) 
Nah , I'm kidding.


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