There's goes my tears

I've never show my tears in front of public. Unfortunately today (April 19), its come out vigorously. I can't stand seeing the one who I loved most been stationary forever. It hurts inside. I don't even know why I cried badly after kissed her forehead. She really gave me a big impact in my life. I missed all her words, advices and babbling. She's the one who told me to achieve all my dreams. She also the one who told me it's okay if you fail now but she knows that you will succeed later. It's just about time. Go and seek for knowledge. You will enjoy your life afterwards. Yes, granny. Now I really enjoyed doing my voluntary jobs. I enjoyed meeting around new people and get to build myself. The words "InshaAllah kakak berjaya" always be my spirit. Never fade. Now, who will boost up my spirit whenever I fall down? Who will predict my future eventhough it is fairytale? No one can replace you. I thank God for letting me 'kapankan' you. I thank God for letting me see your face before you've been wrapped up. Anyway, I am so sorry cause my tears can't stop from falling down. I cried hard after I kissed your forehead. To be honest, I never feel this way. You are my inspiration to work harder and achieve my dreams. Thank you Grandma and I hope you will rest in peace, in Heaven. 

Al-Fatihah :)


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